I'm running Kubuntu 18.04 on a 4K screen*, and everything is tiny. I can fix the desktop when I'm logged in by scaling the display in the “Display and Monitor” settings. This doesn't affect the display manager's screen before you log in, though. As a note to myself if I have to do this again, I modified /usr/share/sddm/scripts/Xsetup, adding this to the end:
xrandr --output eDP-1-1 --fbmm 346x194
That file is obviously for SDDM only. Other display managers might have a similar script in a different location.
The string eDP-1-1 and the screen's physical size are given by xrandr:
$ xrandr --query | grep ' connected' eDP-1-1 connected primary 3840x2160+0+0 (normal left inverted right x axis y axis) 346mm x 194mm
I suspect that the reported dimensions might only be accurate after you've applied scaling in the desktop.
*(Why did I get a 4K screen? Twenty years ago, I might actually have been able to see the difference…)
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