
procmail to IMAP

My employer provides an IMAP server for email. Historically, it behaved badly with Message-Id headers, overwriting the original (the first sin, breaking all threading), and overwriting it with a globally indistinct value. It also had limited filtering capabilities. So I avoided it, and eventually set up my own home IMAP server (using Dovecot, Postfix and Procmail). I still had to get emails forwarded from the employer-provided server, and was forced to use ‘forward as attachment’ to ensure that the message id was preserved. An earlier post was on how to extract the email attachment to a pipe for interfacing with Procmail, but the latest incarnation of the employer-provided server has a proper redirection facilty, so that's redundant for me now.


Running your own IMAP server at home is no fun, especially with a dynamic IP. You have to have a Dynamic DNS service, and hope no-one else gets your mail while it's re-syncing. I need the filtering with procmail, but it only delivers to mailboxes in mbox and Maildirs formats directly (and maybe one other…?); everything else has to be handled through an external command. Is there a beast that will deliver to an IMAP server? If so, I could redirect the mail via SMTP to my own host running procmail, and have it deposit the mail in specific folders back on the server via IMAP.

Stack Overflow has one question on procmail and delivering to an IMAP server?, and suggests the use of mailtool, which is part of the Courier mail server. However, I don't want to install all of Courier to get it, and an apt-file search can't seem to find it, so I suspect it's also ‘historical’.


Python to the rescue! (I hate Python syntax, by the way. Indentation for syntax is a step backwards, in my opinion. Still, it works…) Here's a small program pushimap, which uses imaplib to write a file to an IMAPS server:

#!/usr/bin/env python

import imaplib
import time
import ConfigParser
import os
import sys
import email.message
import email

import getopt
from pprint import pprint

if __name__ == '__main__':
    ## Parse arguments.
    cfg_name = os.environ['PUSHIMAP_CONFIG'] \
               if 'PUSHIMAP_CONFIG' in os.environ \
                  else os.path.expanduser('~/.config/pushimap/conf.ini')
    acc_name = os.environ['PUSHIMAP_ACCOUNT'] \
               if 'PUSHIMAP_ACCOUNT' in os.environ \
                  else 'default'
    msg_file = None
    mb_name = 'INBOX'
    flags = ''
    opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "f:a:d:s")
    for opt, val in opts:
        if opt == '-f':
            cfg_name = val
        elif opt == '-d':
            mb_name = val
        elif opt == '-a':
            acc_name = val
        elif opt == '-s':
            flags += ' \Seen'
    flags = flags[1:]
    if len(args) == 0:

    ## Read the account details.  Should include port too.
    config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()
    hostname = config.get('account %s' % acc_name, 'hostname')
    username = config.get('account %s' % acc_name, 'username')
    password = config.get('account %s' % acc_name, 'password')

    ## Connect to the server.
    c = imaplib.IMAP4_SSL(hostname)
        ## Authenticate with the server.
        c.login(username, password)

        ## Process the plain arguments as filenames.
        for fn in args:
            if fn is None or fn == '':

            ## Read in the message.
            fp = open(fn, "r")
                msg = email.message_from_file(fp)

            ## Attempt to add the file's contents as a message, or
            ## create the folder and try again.
            created = False
            while True:
                typ, erk = c.append(mb_name, flags,
                if typ != 'NO':
                if created:
                typ, erk = c.create(mb_name)
                created = True

-f file specifies an INI file to hold credentials and the server address, and defaults to $PUSHIMAP_CONFIG, then to ~/.config/pushimap/conf.ini. The file should contain the likes of:

[account default]
hostname = imap.example.org
username = bloggsj
password = mind-your-own-sodding-business

-a acc specifies a section [account acc] to read fields from, and defaults to default.

-d mailbox specifies a mailbox on the server to add a message to, and defaults to INBOX. Some servers seem to use / (U+002F) as a folder-name separator, and others use . (U+002E, full stop). You could check by temporarily modifying the code to run typ, data = c.list() ; pprint(data).

-s says that messages should be flagged as ‘seen’, i.e., read.

Remaining arguments are filenames. If none are given, /dev/stdin is assumed. Each file is read as an mbox-formatted message (what will it do with an mbox with more than one message?), and appended to the specified mailbox. If that fails, an attempt is made to create the mailbox, then the appending operation is tried again. If that fails, the program exits with a non-zero status. This can be used with Procmail's W flag, in which the exit status of the piped command determines whether to continue filtering.

See imaplib - IMAP4 client library - Python Module of the Week for some example uses of imaplib. The c.list() call is useful in determining what the folder-name separator is.

Now let's Procmail it up:

PUSHIMAP_CONFIG = $HOME/.myimapstuff

* ^List-Id:.*<some\.list\.example\.org>
  :0 W
  | pushimap -d "Work/My Employer/Mailing list"

  ".Work.My Employer.Mailing list/"


  • As a precaution, I'm keeping the old Maildirs action, but it's only done if the pushimap command fails.

  • I used email.message_from_file in solving the earlier problem (extracting an attachment from a pipe), and it seemed to cope okay with fairly big messages, but I'm not sure. Ideally, it would transparently cache them on disc when they went over a threshold. It's quite possible that the script will simply terminate abnormally, so the :0 W flag is being relied upon to ensure some back-up form of delivery.


Notes on bug JDK-8162455

I submitted bug JDK-8162455 some time ago (2016, so it says), and it's not a very important bug, so I can reasonably expect its fixing to be at a very low priority. Nevertheless, I'd like to comment on it, especially as it seems my original report wasn't terribly clear.

What's the problem?

As the bug report describes, if you specify an annotation-processor option to the Java compiler, and you correctly provide the corresponding processor to the compiler, you can get still a warning of the form:

The following options were not recognized by any processor: a list including that option

…if a certain part of the processor is never invoked (because none of the annotations it recognizes are present in the source). You also get it if you fail to specify the processor correctly (e.g., you get the classpath or the class's name wrong, or specify the service incorrectly, etc), so it's useful there. And you get it if you spell the option wrongly, so that's useful too. The problem is that either:

  • the logic that determines which options are to be reported is faulty, or
  • the message is faulty.

Which fault applies depends on what the intent of the warning is.

What's the intent?

The class com.sun.tools.javac.processing.JavacProcessingEnvironment implements this behaviour. It creates a set of the names of all provided options before annotation processing properly begins. Then, during that processing, it selectively removes entries matching those recognized by processors that it has just called to process a round. When all processing is complete, it generates the warning if the set is not empty.

Assuming its implementation accurately expresses its intent, a more accurate message would be:

The following options were not recognized by any engaged processor: options

…where engaged means having a processing round submitted to it.

But what use is knowing the options of an unengaged processor? If a processor had not been engaged, all of its options would be reported this way, so you're never going to be told about some of its options but not others (unless another processor was engaged, and unusually happened to use some of the same options). If this isn't the real intent, the logic must be faulty.

What if the intent is to inform about unengaged processors?:

  • Why not simply identify the processors directly?
  • If the options of an unengaged processor are also all recognized by an engaged processor, you won't be informed of the unengaged processor.
  • If an unengaged processor has no options, again you won't be informed.

The current logic doesn't robustly achieve this intent either. I have to presume that the message already expresses the intent.

What's the solution?

How should the logic be fixed? In JavacProcessingEnvironment, don't bother gradually eating away at the set of option names each time a processor is engaged. Instead, just before you check whether the set is empty at the end, go through all processors, and remove the options they support. The remainder is the set to report. A private method checks the set of remaining options, and reports if non-empty. You just have to eliminate the recognized ones before checking:

private void warnIfUnmatchedOptions() {
    for (ProcessorState ps : discoveredProcs)
    if (!unmatchedProcessorOptions.isEmpty())

So, although it's a fairly inconsequential bug, the fix is also pretty trivial, assuming that the iteration over the processors changes no other state, and that the intent is as I've presumed.


Genuinely scalable SVGs with width and height attributes

It seems some software doesn't know what to do with an SVG that has no width and height attributes. These attributes have always bothered me a bit. What's so scalable about forcing your vector graphic to be a specific number of pixels or inches wide or high?

Or is it only to be taken as a hint? Firefox (65.0) doesn't think so. It fixes the image at the specified size, and treats unitless values as pixels (or maybe virtual pixels).

The desktop background under Kubuntu (18.04 as I write) does seem to take it as a hint, and a mandatory one at that. If the icon to be used for a *.desktop file is an SVG, it might display it. If you specify width and height in millimetres (say), it seems to rasterize at the size you specify, then scales the bitmap up or down as required. But if you don't specify width and height, you end up with a carefully labelled blank space on your screen.

How do you satisfy both requirements? The solution seems to be to use percentages. Check the last two fields of the viewBox attribute:

<svg viewBox='68932 -240980 190516 153908'
     ... >

Divide the smaller by the larger, and express as a percentage:

$ bc -lq

If the last number is smaller, use the computed value as the height; otherwise, use it as the width. Set the other attribute to 100%:

<svg viewBox='68932 -240980 190516 153908'
     width="100%" height="80.78%"
     ... >

This seems to allow Firefox to scale according to available space, while the desktop deigns to display a decently detailed icon.

I've updated Mokvino Web to re-include width and height with these computed values. I've updated my earlier article too.

Update 2021-04-06: It now looks like you should set both width and height to 100%, for the Kubuntu desktop and for Firefox at least. Bloody hell. More investigation…